To Kings and Warriors

Every culture has legends associated to them.
Every culture has folklore inherent in their minds where they are heroes and the leaders of opposing cultures are the villains, the epitome of bad and evil.
This is how it begins.
We are heroes, everyone else is a villain.

Evolutionary psychology suggests that humans started living as small groups during their early days of existence. The resources were scarce. Small groups became tribes. Tribes needed leaders. The best ones were picked for leadership. Leadership criteria was physical strength, hunting-gathering skills and so on. It's in human nature to belong to a group, to feel safe and to meet all required needs of life.

As civilization went on, tribe leaders became kings, warriors or both. We cannot draw a differential line. Wars were the only way to ensure a king remains king, a warrior becomes a legend.

Take Indo-Pak history as an example. Pakistan has Babur and Ghaznavi. India has Ashok and Pirthavi. Both hate each other's heroes, considering them villains.

Take America as an example. The white majority has Donald Trump. The rest of the communities have their patience and faith in God. Both are struggling in the fight of existence and domination.

Take Europe as an example. There is an ongoing fight to stop Islamization because of fear, that it will give rise to domination of Muslim minorities. The crusades are very much alive even now.

Take Muslim world as an example. Every thing traditional or conservative is associated with Islam. Anything liberal or western is associated with Non-Islam. Islam is the acceptable norm, the way of good, the path of righteousness. Non-Islamic is associated with unacceptable, way of evil, the path of Satan.

So, the folklore is how this all had begun. Wars strengthened it. Fears are helping the cycle to continue. Hate keeps watering all chaos and instability.

Have we ever questioned ourselves, why politicians tell us so much about a possible threat, a possible catastrophe, a possible war even in days of peace? Peace means co-operating and co-existence. It also means no leader, no savior is needed. In order to stay a leader, you need a situation. The situation gives rise to panic and people will follow anyone if they are in state of panic.

A panicked mass under control of a leader, is easy to handle. A thinking mass is where problem starts. So, our thinking is limited by use of propaganda. We fear our safety and our evolutionary switch forces us to stay with our group even more strongly than before.

Now, the sincerity of leader is something that will always be a question mark. The problem is, we have never seen the question mark. We only hear the statesman. We only believe the statement.

This is an Ode to the Kings and Warriors
Who have Used Panicked Masses for their Personal Gains
May Hell Be Upon You


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