Education, Skills and Wisdom

We go to the schools with dreams. Dreams which are not ours but they are dreams nonetheless.
The normal age of school was 5 years - 6 years but now it's lowering and just as a toddler learns to babble a few words, she/he is sent to school.

Our schools are funny. We learn basics of so many languages, cultures, arts, history, sciences, social manners, sense of self, sense of life, competitions, biases, stereotypes, fears, ambitions, pride, friendships, haters, lovers and so forth. As the life goes forward, so does the school experience.

Deep down inside we are always dying to complete our education. No one wonders why.

I do. I keep wondering. This feeling of ''when this will be finally over'' is not a very distant memory for me.

We learn so much in schools, but schools only train us. They don't focus on our growth, our evlovement, our enrichment, our acceptance, our ideals, our goals as a human that could connect us with every other human in this world, in this era.

In short, it's easy to turn a human to professional in schools, but difficult to develop a human in school. Take any level of education. Where and how did we learn our adjustment, reducing our negativity, ideas about global issues or how to love yourself? Our schools don't teach us to find out our true passions and follow it.

Schools can impart skills. Wisdom is learned on streets when everything you know about the world falls short. That's when your cracking point comes and you start to question your entire existence. You start to doubt your sanity, your ability, even the breathing in your lungs. Paths of wisdom are not found in schools. They are everywhere but we are trained to ignore this all and focus on competition.

Competition is agony. Here you are looking at the crowd, trying to surpass and then later on, you see someone even better than the previous best one you just defeated. So a new bias, a new race has evolved. In this race, you don't have a purpose. Only ideal is to defeat the opponent. What will you gain out of it? SATISFACTION.

So these races are destroying the hope of evolving for a bigger purpose.

Instead of competing with others. why don't we compete with our own selves?

Why don't we find our mistakes, correct them, enter the path of our own enlightenment where you learn something everyday, think about it, evolve and make yourself better?

I wish our schools give the knowledge about simple life, methods to reduce our carbon-prints, how to be happy in what you have, how to break free of mass madness and how to find inner peace.

Most importantly, schools should also try to teach this all as well.

1. How to find and how to use our knowledge, our abilities and our strengths for the betterment of the world around us
2. How to be kind.
3. How to appreciate.
4. How to let go.
5. How to move on.
6. How to forgive.
7.What matters in life.
8.What is your true inspiration.
9. What is you really want to do?
10. How to accept the people who don't fit into our criteria or stereotypes.

If you have anything that can benefit humanity in any way, pass it on. 


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